Keyboard Extravaganza!
Here’s the latest #NCGreatPerformances video. See my last post for some backstory.
Here’s the latest #NCGreatPerformances video. See my last post for some backstory.
Later this month Charles Metz is slated to give a Zoom talk on historical keyboards for the Newberry Consort, and the next #NCGreatPerformances video is designed as a companion piece.
This news will be old to many, but I just learned about the Canadian linguistic database, TermiumPlus, that allows for faceted searching that outstrips a simple bilingual dictionary.
This New Year’s gift of music by Holborne, Kapsberger, and Loesser is accompanied by two seasonal tapestries designed by the Master of the Months of Lucas around 1535. Winter (from the “Seasons of Lucas” Series) is crowded with all manner of people enjoying winter pastimes or doing winter work. Images of children playing and just…
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It’s the organological details on the cats-n-dogs-ichord that get me: paws coming out the front, helper grabbing tails at the back. Does the player touch the paws or the keys? Is the tail-grabber like the guy who works the pumps on an organ? See the whole thing at the Rijksmuseum here.